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Get Involved

Explore the different ways you can get your parish involved in TCI

Effective Parish Assessment

The Effective Parish Assessment Program helps a church optimize to excellence the 6 Pillars and 30 Building Blocks of the most effective and healthy parishes.

Effectiv Parish Assessent


The Thriving Congregations Initiative offers microgrants to parishes that articulate specific plans for ministry in alignment with TCI’s annual themes. With over $100,000 disbursed to more than 20 parishes within our metropolis in recent years, these grants aim to foster growth in church communities and to create a welcoming environment in which parishioners can develop in their faith and play a role in their church’s thriving.  


Past microgrant themes, such as “Youth and Young Adult,” “Living Your Why,” and “Community Outreach” have supported diverse initiatives, including the acquisition of Sunday School materials, the improvement of communal spaces, and hosting more community events & retreats. 


Number of total microgrants given out

Number of parishes who have received a microgrant

Number of parishes who have received a microgrant

More than
of young people
fall away from
the church

Make your parish part of the solution.

Effective Christian Ministry

Thriving Congregations Initiative is partnering with Effective Christian Ministry to elevate and transform the youth ministries of the parishes of the Metropolis.


The Metropolis of Boston is covering the FULL cost of the program for any parish that:

  • Has at least 5 (recommend 10) ministry leaders and parishioners complete the self-paced Level 1 course in 2024.

  • AND participates in a Metropolis-hosted event to discuss sharedlearning and implementation.

Effective Christian Ministry
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